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Lately I got quite drowned to my "big magnets" thing... if only I had any place left on my fridge...
This time I've come up with something a bit different. It all started when I tried to buy some stuff on eBay for nail art. This is always fun, there are so much cool things out there, I always want them all,
and promise myself not to be lazy and actually use them afterwards....well not always happens :/.
So I stumbled upon this cool super thin tape:

Indeed I did not use it for my nails but this is what I did use it for:

A bit of the making process:
I made a bunny silhouette out of a gold paper and glued it to magnet paper.

Here is how I used the tape above:

Then just applied some color on it:

Then - THE most fun part, gently remove the tape:

 And it is done!

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